Listen: AgriFocus – Irish farmers and LULUCF

June 18, 2024 7:57 pm

In this episode Francess McDonnell finds out from Dr Eimear Cotter, who is director of the Office of Evidence and Assessment (OEA) with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), why the land sector has a “hugely important role to play terms of climate action”.

According to Dr. Cotter In Ireland our land sector – Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) – is a source of emissions, it emits more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than it absorbs from the atmosphere.

But as she explained on the AgriFocus podcast LULUCF has the potential to provide long-term climate benefits and she outlined how the emissions are measures in Ireland and why this is important.

The AgriFocus podcast series takes a closer look at some of the key issues that directly impact on farmers, rural communities and the agri-sector.