Thousands of farmers across the country have taken to the streets as part of a national show of solidarity with European farmers tonight (Thursday, February 1).

The events, organised by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA), follow farmer protests across the European Union in recent weeks over prices, EU regulations and the EU-Mercosur trade deal.

Convoys of tractors took part in demonstrations in almost every county, with the exception of Carlow due to last night’s fatal road crash.

Some events saw tractors park up on motorway flyovers, while others drove through local towns.

Show of solidarity

The IFA president Francie Gorman said that farmers in Ireland have been watching the protests across Europe and want to show their support.

Gorman did not describe the show of solidarity as a protest but acknowledged that there is “mounting frustration” among Irish farmers about the impact of EU policy.

The IFA president joined the demonstration in Mullingar this evening where he said there was “a fantastic turnout”.

“This is being replicated all over the country and what it tells me is that farmers are saying ‘enough is enough’.

“The message is clear, the government need to step up to the mark, sit down with us, sort out the over-regulation of our industry which is driving farmers to the wall,” Gorman said.

Chair of Limerick IFA, Sean Lavery told Agriland that around 180 tractors turned out for the event held in Adare.

“This protest sent a clear messages to our politicians, department of agriculture and the EU Commission that Irish farmers, like their European counterparts, are fed up with irrational regulations, complicated schemes and falling incomes.

“One clear ask from farmers tonight is what happens next?” he said.

Jer O’Mahony, the chair of Wexford IFA, estimated that between 350 and 400 tractors took part in eight separate demonstrations in that county.

He said that he was thrilled by the turnout, but added that it shows “the utter frustration” currently among farmers.

Farmers gathered in their tractors in Co. Wexford

Chair of Kerry IFA, Kenny Jones told Agriland that he was delighted with the turnout of around 60 tractors in Tralee, given that the national event had been organised at short notice.

“I think it proves the frustration that’s out there with farmers at the moment. The red tape and being governed by things that are coming from Europe that are very hard to implement on the ground,” he said.

Some of the tractors that took part in the national show of solidarity in Tralee, Co. Kerry

Independent Kerry TD Danny Healy-Rae who turned up to support the event said that farmers are being vilified. “If you don’t have farming, you won’t have food,” he added.

Some of those at the Kerry demonstration told Agriland that they were taking part to support European farmers and not IFA, due to the ongoing issues within the farm organisation in the county.

Over the border, Tadgh Healy, the West Cork IFA chair, estimated that over 200 tractors took to the streets there this evening.

Farmers gather over the M11 at Barndarrig, Co. Wicklow. Image Source: Anne Hill

In Co. Cavan, the IFA chair Maurice Brady estimated that around 150 farmers turned out for the event with 80 tractors.

Along with showing solidarity with European farming colleagues, Brady told Agriland that tonight’s event “puts down a marker to our own government” about how EU policy is being implemented here.

Brady said that farmers are particularly frustrated by the loss of the nitrates derogation which they feel was “badly handled from top to bottom”.

He added that there is also concern about the proposed EU-Mercosur trade deal and how it will impact Irish agriculture.