Lead candidate of the European Green Party, MEP Bas Eickhout, who is running as an alternative to current president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, visited Dublin today (Wednesday, May 15) to promote his green plan.

He is canvassing for the European Election on a platform of nature restoration, climate action and defending democracy from those who “stoke hatred for their own gain”.

Bas Eickhout said: “In these European elections, the continued fight against the climate crisis is at stake.

“That is a crisis that is connected to so many other crises facing the European people: security, extreme weather and costs of living.

“We need a solid Green and Social Deal to transform our economy into a futureproof economy, instead of allowing the Conservatives of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Liberals of Renew to protect the status quo.

“The Greens propose a massive investment plan to strengthen our European economy in a sustainable manner,” he added.

The MEP for The Netherlands said that he is proposing a green Industrial Deal that breaks away from polluting and “fossil-addicted production methods”.

Ciarán Cuffe, MEP for Dublin, said; “Thanks to the leadership of politicians like Bas Eickhout, this outgoing parliament has made landmark progress on climate action in record time.

“The European Green Deal is under threat, however, from the rise of the far-right around Europe. These forces would rather see it unravel and deny the benefits, the safety, and the security that this deal offers to all of us.

“Strong Green voices in the next European Parliament will be absolutely essential to stop this, to protect the achievements we have made, and push climate action further.

“We are the antidote to the divisive and polarising politics of the far-right, and we will fight for a better Europe that is greener, fairer, and safer,” Cuffe added.

Green Party

The European Green Party said that Bas Eickhout has a long history of working for the Green values of “sustainability, social justice, and a more democratic Europe”.

He co-authored the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on climate change which received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

Grace O’Sullivan, MEP for Ireland South, said: “Bas Eickhout has been one of the leading drivers of the ‘Green Agenda’ in the European Parliament over the last five years, and, as a leading candidate for the European Greens in these European Elections, will play a pivotal role in the next term.

“His expertise as an environmental scientist has been instrumental in shaping legislation.

“Bringing the important issues facing my constituents to the EU is a vitally important part of my job as an MEP – but bringing the EU to meet my constituents is even better.

“I was delighted to highlight the issues facing Wicklow, and Ireland South, to Bas, and put them high on the Greens’ agenda for the next term,” O’Sullivan added.

Meanwhile, Senator Pauline O’Reilly, MEP candidate for Midlands North West, said: “Ireland cannot tackle climate change alone, that is why it is vital we work with our colleagues in Europe to tackle this common challenge.

“The Nature Restoration Law shows there are Greens across the EU working hard to protect our environment and restore nature.

“But it also shows there are people who try to ignore the problem or put barriers in the way. That is why we need people like Bas Eickhout to challenge the EU establishment and bring real climate action.”