Afforestation licences for 526ac were issued during the month of May which marks a 20-month record, according to the Social, Economic, Environmental Forestry Association (SEEFA).

The latest forestry dashboard published by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) shows that afforestation licences for 1,731ha were issued in the first five months of 2024.

The department has issued 207 afforestation licences year-to-date, while it has received 331 valid applications.


SEEFA said it welcomed the “vast improvement” in May and acknowledged the efforts of the department.

However, it noted that the afforestation figure of 526ha is “almost 22% short of the monthly target pace, and came from relatively few licences, resulting in little impact on the backlog”.

The group said that road and felling licences are “still struggling to match what is needed to get the industry back on track”.

During May, the department issued licences for 33km of forestry roads, which was the same as the previous month, but up significantly on the 4km issued in May 2023.

Over the first five months of the year, licences have been granted for 151km of roads, compared to 19km in the same period in 2023.

414 roads licences were issued by the department to the end of May, while 339 applications were lodged.


Felling licences issued by the department during May related to 1,695ha, bringing the total this year to 9,095ha. This is down from over 16,000ha of felling licences granted in the same period in 2023.

The department has issued 478 licences to private forestry owners and 262 to Coillte for felling.

“For the first time since 2022, there is some cause for optimism.

“We encourage the department to continue to improve in afforestation licensing, and to address issues in felling, roads, and planting as soon as possible,” SEEFA said.

26 afforestation appeals have been made to the department, along with 10 felling and three roads appeals.


Up to May 31, 531ha of forestry was planted, however, the department noted the figures for trees planted reflect afforestation that had been paid at first grant stage this year to date only.

To date this year, 76 afforestation licences covering 570ha that were previously granted, are now approved under the new forestry scheme.

The data also shows that 400 applications have been granted under the Reconstitution of Ash Dieback Scheme covering 1,436ha so far this year.

140 applications have been approved for the Deer Tree Shelter Scheme (DTS), along with 70 applications for the Woodland Improvement Scheme (WIS).

223 licences have been issued under the Native Area Tree Scheme (NTAS) relating to 242ha.