Spring lambs were processed in slightly higher numbers last week, according to the latest sheep kill figures from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM).

Last week (ending Sunday, June 2) during week 22, there were 22,899 spring lambs slaughtered, an increase of 3,610 since the previous week.

However, the supply of hoggets fell last week by 2,523 head compared to week 21, and to-date in 2024, there have been 84,046 fewer hoggets slaughtered compared to the same period of last year.

The 42,826 sheep slaughtered during week 22 is 3,610 head higher than the total from the previous week.

There are 132,860 fewer sheep processed so far in 2024 than there were during the same period of 2023.

week 22
2024 cumulative2023 weekly2023 cumulativeWeekly
Cumulative difference24 vs. 23 % weekly difference24 vs. 23 % cumulative difference
Spring lambs22,89988,61231,719122,529-8,820-33,917–28%–28%
Ewes and rams4,221101,8966,038116,766-1,817-14,870-30%-13%
Light lambs118231098-27267%-25%
Weekly sheep kill figures Source: DAFM

Taking a look at this year’s throughput figures to date, 1,042,805 sheep have been processed so far in 2024.

Of that figure, 852,215 have been lambs/hoggets, 88,612 were spring lambs, with the rest made up of ewes and rams (101,896), and a small portion of light lambs (82).

It remains to be seen what number of sheep will be processed during week 23, but on account of the bank holiday on Monday, June 3, and the significant drop in prices quoted by factories for spring lambs and hoggets, throughput may be significantly different than the latest figures.

Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) sheep chair Adrian Gallagher has accused factories of attempting to “undermine the sheep trade”.

He said spring lamb numbers are still tight on the ground and buying is still taking place for the important of Eid ul – Adha festival in mid-June.

“The level of cuts attempted by factories runs the risk of undermining the trade in our key export markets and sets the sector on a very dangerous path for the remainder of the year,” Gallagher said.