Irish Seed Savers will host the Annual Community Seed Exchange this coming weekend (Saturday, February 25), for individuals, gardening and community groups to share and swap seeds.

Those planning to attend are advised to bring any spare seeds, or your own saved seeds, to share and swap with other growers.

The organisers have said that from the rare to the everyday varieties, the event helps promote biodiversity and by sharing seeds, “we are building a more resilient food system”.

Deirdre Morrissey, seed bank curator said: “Growing your own food from seed is an amazing way to reduce your food costs and expend the right kind of energy – physical effort.

“An added bonus is improved mental health from being outside working the soil and connecting with nature.

“The Annual Community Seed Exchange is the perfect opportunity to share the excitement of the emerging springtime by sharing any extra seeds you may have and if you don’t have any seeds saved yet, you are still very welcome to come get some.

“And remember, after you’ve grown your own, save some seeds to share next year,” she added.

Irish Seed Savers

Environmental and food crop conservation organisation, Irish Seed Savers has been saving and sharing rare heirloom seed varieties for over 30 years.

It is through seed sharing events that these rare seed varieties continue to thrive in local community gardens and allotments all around the country, according to the group.

The organisation said that it finds and collects Ireland’s heritage apple trees and open pollinated seed and conducts scientific research and contributes to knowledge nationally and internationally as part of Ireland’s obligations under the International Treaty on Food Crop Genetic Resources.

Irish Seed Savers has said that it aims to educate and raise awareness of the holistic nature at the heart of sustainable food systems.

The event is a ticketed event and organisers are urging everyone to purchase their tickets in advance via the Eventbrite website.

The Seed Exchange will take place at Capparoe Co. Clare, over two time slots to facilitate ease of numbers: 12:00p.m to 2:00p.m and 2:00p.m to 4:00p.m on Saturday, February 25.