The Irish Shows Association (ISA) has said that it is deeply saddened at the news of the death of its former president Dorothea Lazenby.

Dorothea was the association’s first female president, serving in the role in 2006 and 2007.

She had been a member of the ISA board from 1989 right up to 2021.

A post on death notice website said that Dorothea died peacefully at St. Vincent’s University Hospital on Sunday (May 19).

Dorothea Lazenby
Dorothea Lazenby

The notice said that she will be sadly missed by her son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, sister-in-law, and extended family, relatives, neighbours and friends.

The ISA said: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our esteemed former president, Dorothea Lazenby.

“A true stalwart of the Irish Shows Association, Dorothea embodied the spirit of volunteerism, giving so generously of her time and her knowledge over many years,” the association added.

“Her energy and enthusiasm were appreciated and admired throughout the shows community.”

The ISA said that Dorothea will leave behind many legacies within the association, including the introduction of the chain of office.

“For many, she will be remembered for her contribution to the judges’ training programmes over the years,” the ISA said.

The association extended its sympathy to Dorothea’s family and fiends.

Irish Shows Association

The ISA launched its 2024 Yearbook in March. During the launch, government funding was announced for 122 agricultural shows taking place throughout the summer.

€1 million was announced for these shows, with each show receiving between €6,000 and €11,000.

The funding was aimed at supporting each organising committee to prepare for the upcoming show season.

The funding scheme for agricultural shows is administered by the ISA and the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Initiatives in the areas of waste management, responsible printing, use of single use plastics, and appropriate traffic management would be considered with a view to showcasing best practice in the area of event management and becoming more sustainable.