A public consultation on the review of the open seasons order for birds has been launched today (Wednesday, March 22) by Minister of State for heritage and electoral reform Malcolm Noonan.

The open seasons order for birds allows for the hunting of certain bird species during an open season.

Of the 21 species of birds covered under the open seasons order, 14 were deemed to be of national-level concern in 2019, on foot of a National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) report to the EU on the status of bird species in Ireland.

15 of the species concerned are listed as ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ on Birdwatch Ireland’s Birds of Conservation Concern Ireland (BOCCI) list.

The review, according to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, aims to bring forward proposals to ensure that the hunting of these species is sustainable and in line with Ireland’s obligations to safeguard threatened bird species and the ‘principles of wise use’ under the EU Birds Directive.

The review also looks to gather views on steps that could be put in place with respect to improvements in data collection and the management of the order to protect vulnerable bird species.

Commenting on the opening of the consultation, Minister Noonan said: “Today’s public consultation follows from a commitment I made to have dialogue with stakeholders as part of the review on the open seasons orders.

“The latest assessments…show declining trends in the conservation status of some of our most threatened species. We must make every effort to protect our birds and…it is appropriate that we consider the role of hunting activities in this context.

“Our aim is to continue to restore and preserve the conservation status of vulnerable bird species and, in the context of hunting and the open seasons order, to support sustainable hunting practices,” he added.

The open seasons order is administered by the NPWS and sets out the species that may be hunted and dates between which hunting can take place.

Members of the public can get involved in the consultation by completing an online survey by 5:00p.m on May 3, 2023, which is available through the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage website.