Controlling weeds in newly sown leys containing clover has become easier following the launch of ProClova XL, the new herbicide manufactured by Corteva Agriscience.

ProClova XL contains two active ingredients – Rinskor and amidosulfuron – which together, provide the widest spectrum of weed control in newly sown leys.

A totally new ingredient to the Irish market, Rinskor’s reduced ecological profile and low dose rate when compared to many other herbicides has earned it several awards.

With many fields now sown and more to follow, a post emergent spray should be targeted approximately six to eight weeks after reseeding.

ProClova XL will kill seedling docks and chickweed along with many other annual weeds like Fat hen, redshank, red-dead nettles, fumitory and more.

This will ensure weeds are eliminated and a clean productive sward gets established.

Checking on chickweed

The above photos illustrate the damage that chickweed can inflict on a reseeded paddock.

The first picture (left) shows an unsprayed area. The following year, dead chickweed is visible where it has smothered out the grass (right) with perennial weeds including docks and thistle beginning to germinate within the bare patches.

“Chickweed can be devastating to newly-sown grasses,” said Chris Maughan, weed control specialist and technical manager of Whelehan Crop Protection, distributors of ProClova XL on the Irish market.

“In some cases, chickweed can get established and smothered out the grass completely.

“In situations like this, if these fields are not sprayed soon after reseeding, the chickweed can smother out the grass seedling leaving bare area for other weeds such as docks, thistles and buttercups to germinate and flourish. 

“The end result will be a very poor pasture and a wasted investment.”

Chris continued: “ProClova XL is the ideal product of choice here. The wide range of weeds controlled includes chickweed, docks, and other annual weeds including Fat hen, red dead nettle, redshank and fumitory.”

Chris also highlighted the damage docks can wreak on a new reseed: “Killing docks at the seedling stage is vital. This ensures total kill and prevent the docks from establishing a deep taproot.”

Timing is everything

Clover with three trifoliate leaves

ProClova XL should be applied when the grass is at the tillering stage and the clover has three trifoliate leaves.

Clover fixes nitrogen (N) from the air by using special bacteria in its roots, which is essential for plant growth.

Autumn reseeds

Many autumn reseeds from last year may not have got a herbicide application on yet. These fields may have been grazed or cut for silage, however perennial weeds like docks may still be present and these should be targeted as soon as possible.

If docks are allowed to get established, they will produce a large tap root which makes them harder to kill in subsequent years. Targeting them ensures total kill and prevent the docks from establishing a deep taproot.

Following over 10 years of research and investment, ProClova XL is the first new herbicide active ingredient for grassland since Corteva launched Forefront T back in 2008.

Corteva Agriscience has an annual R&D spend of over $1.3 billion which equated over $3.5 million each day.

ProClova XL comes in a twin pack

ProClova XL is available in a box containing two bottles  – ProClova and XL.

ProClova contains the herbicides, Rinskor and amidosulfuron while the XL bottle contains an adjuvant oil which improves and reliability of weed control, while providing maximum safety to both the grass and clover.

The area to the right was sprayed with ProClovaXL in April 2022

The area to the right was sprayed with ProClova XL in April 2022 before the silage was cut the following month. This picture was then taken a few weeks later following a cut of silage.

ProClova XL Facts

  • Use from April to October in new leys;
  • Rate in new sown leys: 85g + 165ml/ha (one pack treats three ha);
  • In established grass or where ground cover is greater than 90% use the higher rate 125g + 250ml/ha (one pack to 2ha);
  • Controls key weeds including docks, chickweed, fat-hen, redshanks and red dead nettle;
  • In established grassland, it also controls dandelions, buttercups, plantains, cow parsley and hogweeds;
  • Rainfast in one hour and livestock should be kept off for seven days post-treatment (in the absence of ragwort);
  • Use from the tillering stage of the grass and when the clover has three trifoliate leaves present.

Clover safety: A transitory effect (leaf deformation/growth inhibition) may be seen following application, but full recovery will follow after two/three grazings.  

Red clover: When used on grass leys containing red clover, ProClova XL should be applied in the year after establishment – so reseeds sown last autumn containing red clover can be sprayed this spring. 

Established grassland: ProClova XL can also be used on established grassland where clover preservation is key. It provides the highest level of dock control available in clover swards and is also effective on other weeds like dandelions, buttercups, plantains, hogweeds and cow parsley.

For optimum control, spray actively growing weeds at the correct growth stage, eight to 10” across and at the rosette stage. If weeds have grown beyond the correct growth stage, top them and spray regrowth with ProClova XL.

Best practice advice

  • Apply ProClova XL with at least 75% drift reducing nozzles.
  • Do not apply ProClova XL to fields where an intersecting watercourse is present (i.e. where the land parcel slopes towards a watercourse and any surface water run-off would drain into that watercourse).
  • When spraying fields, respect an unsprayed buffer zone to watercourses of 3m.

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