Over €1.4m in outstanding scheme payments were issued to farmers this week by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM).

This includes additional payments of €0.75 million under the 2023 Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and Complimentary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS).

Under the schemes up until Friday, May 10, 120,174 farmers have been paid a total of €830.89 million.

This figure includes 2023 Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers (€32.5 million) and 2023 National Reserve (€4.4 million).

New payments

A further €80,750.32 was paid out under the 2022 Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) and Areas of Specific Constraint (ASC).

Total payments now stand at €249.2 million, with 99,468 farmers paid.

Another €0.022 million was paid out under the Green, Low-carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS).

An extra €38,120.89 was paid out this week under the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS).

€39.5 million has now been paid out under the 2023 OFS, with 3,852 farmers having received payments.


A total of €534,133 was paid out this week under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Schemes (TAMS).

There has been 56,675 approvals issued to date under TAMS.

Separately, this week DAFM confirmed that it has approved 3,735 (41%) applications made by farmers under tranche 2 of the new TAMS.

According to the latest statistics provided by the department, 4,792 out of a total 9,110 applications were deemed “in progress” up to Tuesday (May 7).

The data shows that 380 tranche 2 applications have been refused to date, while 193 have been withdrawn.

The closing date for applications to be submitted to the department under tranche 2 was extended to January 19 last.

TAMS tranche 4, which is currently open, will close for applications on Friday, September 6, and tranche 5 will close on Friday, December, 6 2024.

There were no further updates for scheme payments this week.