2024 Ireland European Parliament election – south candidate, John Mullins

As an MEP candidate, I will fight for the good name of farmers and ensure that their future is safe and stable.

The vast majority of farmers have been, through the generations, great custodians of the land, while enduring constant change and instability in incomes.

They have constantly adapted to modern agricultural techniques and we have been fortunate in Ireland that this has been assisted by Teagasc and other bodies.

They are also adapting to the impact of climate change – they know more than most the impact of climate change on nature and the land.

None more so than the winter and spring just gone, when we have endured unprecedented levels of rainfall, which has delayed planting and delivery of animals to the green fields of Ireland.

We need to remember that average farm income in 2023 was only €24,800. They are under pressure in 2024 already.

If elected, I will be seeking a new rural contract with farmers which is based on a just transition based pragmatism rather than green ideology and overregulation.

In my own career, I have worked with farmers in renewable energy and in way leaving land when CEO of Bord Gáis Éireann.

In my experience, farmers are willing to change once the change is incremental, measured and where there is a benefit for all.

Farmers have given up land for renewables right across the country and they have received little credit for that contribution. They have changed breeding and feeding practices so that methane/carbon emissions can be reduced.

They have invested with the support of grants in new buildings and storage to reduce water emissions across the country.

Regrettably, all we hear is that the farmer is the enemy and not the custodian of our environment. The narrative has to change and I will help change that narrative here and in Brussels.

I come to politics with a successful career in public and private sector businesses. Like farmers I have had to make tough daily decisions – decisions I have never avoided in any way.

I will be working on a number of initiatives:

  1. Reform of the CAP which will deliver higher payments;
  2. Simplification of the CAP application process;
  3. Supplementary income through a new Environment Fund for recognised transition of agricultural practices;
  4. Reduce costs of regulation and ensure that there is no duplication across agencies seeking agricultural information;
  5. No compulsory land restoration obligations on farmers;
  6. We must retain the nitrates derogation and support our most efficient grass based system;
  7. Carbon sequestration should be incentivised through the delivery of credits;
  8. A biodiversity credit scheme should be introduced where farmers reintroduce species to their land;
  9. Farmers who contribute to renewable energy should benefit from tax free leasing and recognition of long term commitment for inheritance;
  10. Ireland should introduce a Solar PV scheme similar to France where greenhouses and barns with Solar PV roofs are supported by energy tariffs.

Succession is a major issue in agriculture and this must be addressed as an urgent matter. Uncertainty of the future and the demonisation of an honourable vocation in life of tending the land must be encouraged to young men and women.

In my experience, no young person is attracted to an occupation that is in an ever decreasing circle – this must change and can only change through EU and domestic support for farmers.

We need to reverse the decades long trend of young rural people emigrating abroad or moving to our cities.

With the National Broadband Plan rollout there is an opportunity for young professionals to return home and live where they grew up.

The establishment of local hubs for remote working is breathing life into our towns and villages across the country.

Local councils should support the return of these young people to enliven communities across our nation.

I am saying to the environmentalists “stop the demonisation and allow a just transition for our farmers. Our farmers are the answer and not the problem. Our farmers will get my support as an MEP if elected”.