Jason Fleming has been elected as the new county chair of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) in Co. Kerry.

The current IFA National Forestry Committee chair from Kilcummin succeeds Kenny Jones who has held the position since March 2021.

It is understood that just two votes separated Fleming and Jones when the postal votes were counted yesterday (Tuesday, June 25). The turnout for the election was 89%.

The results were formally announced at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Kerry IFA county executive which was held online last evening.

Kathleen Herlihy from Ballymacelligott was elected as the executive council second delegate, while Owen O’Sullivan retained his position as county dairy committee chair.

The following officers were elected unopposed: John Stack (county vice-chair); John O’Sullivan (county secretary); Seamus Fitzgerald (county PRO); Patrick O’Connor (county treasurer); Gerard Buckley (animal health committee chair); Pat O’Driscoll (farm business committee chair); Mary McCarthy (farm family and social affairs committee chair) and George O’Neill (forestry committee chair).

Kerry IFA

It is hoped that the elections may bring some calm to the long-running tensions within the IFA in Kerry, which has involved multiple grievances.

In July 2022, Kerry IFA chair Kenny Jones made a formal complaint to IFA, headquarters mainly related to messages posted in messaging groups, and to messages sent directly to him.

Three members of the Kerry county executive were contacted by IFA headquarters in relation to the complaint, and one of them, Michael O’Dowd, was banned from holding an officer role in the organisation for four years.

O’Dowd does not accept the decision of the national council or the manner in which the complaint was dealt with by the IFA.

Members of the Kerry county executive have also expressed frustration with how IFA headquarters have handled separate complaints, which are still outstanding.

The issues have caused deep divisions and impacted the workings of the association in the county, including delaying this year’s AGM.

County chair

Following his election, the new Kerry IFA chair told members that it is his intention “to get this county back up and running” by holding regular in-person meetings.

Jason Fleming said that the meetings will be held in locations around the county with guest speakers to address issues relevant to those areas.

He said that a county officers’ meeting will be held next week, with a view to holding a county executive meeting within three weeks.

He paid tribute to all who stood for election and pledged to work with all the elected officers.

Looking to the future, the new Kerry IFA chair said that “a common sense approach” is needed now.

“There isn’t much point in talking about farming concerns if we can’t get going and start dealing with each other,” he stated.

“We’re not going to agree over everything, but we have to agree to disagree at times and that’s the bottom line,” Fleming said.

Kerry IFA

The new county chair cited several priority areas such as farm input costs; milk price; delayed scheme payments; supports for suckler and sheep farmers and the loss of local services.

He also called for “a bottom up approach” within IFA which is focused on listening to farmers on the ground.

Last month, IFA National Council relieved eight officers of the Kerry executive from their positions.

Fleming said that in his opinion “the only thing these officers were guilty of is working hard for the farmers” who elected them.

He said that he was very disappointed with the actions of the national council and hoped the officers would remain involved with the association.

Outgoing chair Kenny Jones congratulated Jason Fleming and wished him well in his new role.

The result of the election in Kerry now means that the IFA will have to elect a new National Forestry Committee chair.