Domestic milk intake by Irish creameries and pasteurisers in January 2016 was up 19.5% on the corresponding month in 2015, the latest CSO data shows.

Milk intake was estimated at 137.1m litres for January 2016.

Looking at the figures, the total milk sold for human consumption in January 2016 decreased by 1.7% on January 2014 by 1.7% to 42.2m litres.

Whole milk sales also declined by 1.4% to 24.6m litres.

Butter production was up 43.7% to 5,030t and skimmed milk powder production also increased from 1,700t to 4,000t.

Cheese production was also up year-on-year from 2,000t to 2,300t.


Meanwhile, EU milk deliveries for 2015 finished 2.5% ahead of the volumes collected in 2014, the latest figures from the Milk Market Observatory (MMO) show.

After the removal of quotas in April last year, EU milk production surged ahead with all monthly volumes post-quota exceeding their 2014 equivalents.

Irish milk production for 2015 was 13.3% higher than it was in 2014 and posted the strongest increase of all Member States in milk production.

The next highest milk producer after Ireland was Luxembourg with an 8.8% increase in production for 2015.

Looking at the MMO figures for milk production post-quota (April to December), Irish milk production increased by 16.2%, again the highest increase in production.

It was followed by Luxembourg (11.3%), Belgium (10.7%) and The Netherlands (9.9%).

The UK posted a 2.5% overall increase in milk production on 2014 and in the post quota period produced 3.1% more milk than it did in the same period in 2014.