The government recently approved a new Climate Action Performance Payment of €5,000/ha for ash forest owners affected by ash dieback.

The payment will be made available to grant aided forest owners who either have or will clear their sites and replant through one of the department’s Ash Dieback Reconstitution Schemes.

Ash forest owners who have not already entered one of the reconstitution schemes for ash dieback are encouraged to join the Reconstitution Ash Dieback Scheme (RADS) 2023-27 to become eligible for the new payment.

Ash dieback

Ash Forest Owners will be eligible to receive the additional Climate Action Performance Payment (CAPP) of €5,000/ha when their sites have been cleared and they have carried out replanting, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Reconstitution Ash Dieback Scheme.

This will be paid in three instalments, as follows:

  • €2,500 can be applied for after 1st grant on Ash reconstitution scheme
  • €1,250 can be applied for after 2nd grant on Ash reconstitution scheme if the forest owner is out of premiums or at the end of their premiums if they are still in receipt
  • €1,250 can be applied for the following year

Note: The Climate Action Performance Payment will be exempted from income tax by virtue of section 232(2) TCA.

What reconstitution schemes must I have joined or must join to qualify for the Climate Action Performance Payment?

If you have previously joined one of the following department schemes you are eligible for the CAPP payment, provided that you have replanted:

  • Reconstitution Scheme Ash Dieback 2013
  • Reconstitution and Underplanting Scheme (Ash Dieback) 2020
  • Interim Reconstitution Scheme for Ash Dieback 2023
  • Reconstitution for Ash Dieback Scheme (RADS) 2023 – 2027

How to apply for the CAPP instalments?

The department is developing an easy and accessible system to apply for payments which, it expects to roll out as soon as possible. Details of how to apply will be provided by circular and through updated FAQs on its website.

The Reconstitution Ash Dieback Scheme 2023-2027 is now open. To apply for support under this scheme, contact a registered forester and ask them to make an application on your behalf.

Details of this scheme and a list of FAQs on the Climate Action Performance Payment Scheme is available here.     

What supports are available for Site Clearance and Replanting?

Owners of forests affected by Ash Dieback may apply for support under the Reconstitution Ash Dieback Scheme 2023-2027 (RADS), which opened on the 24July 2023 as part of the New Forestry programme.

RADS supports owners of ash plantations to clear their site and replant with trees in line with the new Forestry Programme.

To mitigate the cost of clearance there has been a 100% increase in the site clearance grant rate from €1,000 – €2,000/ha.

For applicants whose sites are still in premium they will continue to receive the premium due for the remaining years.

They will also receive a once-off top-up payment equivalent to the difference between the existing premium and the associated new Forest Type (FT) premium they opt for under the new Programme.

Examples are provided to assist in understanding the funding available when opting for a specific Forest Type.

If you’re interested in reading more about the Forest Types available under the new afforestation programme and their respective annual premiums, which can last up to 20 years, check how much you could get paid by clicking here.