The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has issued more than €3.3 million in outstanding scheme payments to farmers over the past week.

A total of €2 million was paid to farmers under the 2023 Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and the Complimentary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS).

In total, 120,284 farmers have now received BISS and CRISS payments totalling €832 million, according to DAFM figures published today (Friday, May 24).

This figure includes 2023 Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers payments (€33 million), as well as 2023 National Reserve payments (€4.5 million).

Scheme payments

Payments worth €345,952 were issued to farmers this week under the 2023 Eco-Scheme. This brings the total amount paid to 119,134 farmers to €309 million, the DAFM said.

Outstanding Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) payments worth €586,162 were paid by the DAFM to farmers over the past seven days.

The DAFM’s latest scheme payment update also shows that €150,224 was paid out under the National Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme 2023. In total, 8,402 participants have now received €5.3 million.


Farmers also received a total of €74,514 over the past week under the 2022 Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) and Areas of Specific Constraint (ASC) schemes, DAFM figures show.

A total of €9,000 was also issued by the DAFM in outstanding payments to farmers under the Green, Low-carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) over the past seven days.

GLAS was replaced by the new €1.5 billion Agri Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027.

Payments under the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) worth €61,406 also issued this week. A total of 3,862 farmers have now received their 2023 payment, totalling €39.6 million.

Farmers who participated in the Protein Aid Scheme 2023 were issued a total of €27,838 over the past seven days. This brings the total payments received by 1,544 farmers to €10.08 million.

Payments were also issued under the Straw Incorporation Measure 2023. A total of €122,114 issued to farmers this week, with a total of 3,336 farmers now having received €15.36 million.