Rubina Freiberg

Rubina Freiberg Profile Picture

Rubina Freiberg graduated from Griffith College Dublin with an honours degree communications and media production. She has been awarded for Best Academic Achievement, and her previous work on food labelling was nominated for the European Commission Award at the National Student Media Awards 2020. She grew up in a rural village in south-west Germany before relocating to Dublin in 2018 to pursue a career in journalism. She previously gained experience in digital and print media while working at a German newspaper. She was also previously involved as the sub-editor for the production of ONUS, an Irish Arts and Culture Magazine. A German native, Rubina has a strong passion for food and its production.

Glanbia forms partnership with PostPoint to offer postal services
Glanbia forms partnership with PostPoint to offer postal services

Glanbia Ireland has partnered with PostPoint, an An Post subsidiary, to provide services to its branches and the rural communities...

65% of EU farms run by farmers aged 55+
65% of EU farms run by farmers aged 55+

The seventh EPP European Congress of Young Farmers was held in the EU Parliament on Thursday, December 9, and highlighted...

Census of Agriculture 2020: Cork has most agricultural land
Census of Agriculture 2020: Cork has most agricultural land

The Census of Agriculture 2020 preliminary results published by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) this week show that Co. Cork...

Agricultural soil contaminated by plastic pollution – FAO
Agricultural soil contaminated by plastic pollution – FAO

A report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) suggests that agricultural soil is contaminated with...

Lack of emissions disclosures among animal protein producers – FAIRR
Lack of emissions disclosures among animal protein producers – FAIRR

New data from global investor coalition FAIRR’s Protein Producer Index has shown that only 18% of global meat and dairy...

€2.1m increase in funds to tackle biodiversity loss
€2.1m increase in funds to tackle biodiversity loss

Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Malcolm Noonan, has announced that the Local Biodiversity...

Interim enforcement authority set up for Unfair Trading Practices
Interim enforcement authority set up for Unfair Trading Practices

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue has established the Unfair Trading Practices Enforcement Authority, which has...

Breeding heifers donated to auction for Hooves for Hospice
Breeding heifers donated to auction for Hooves for Hospice

LSL Auctions has donated two breeding heifers for auction to raise money for the ‘Hooves 4 Hospice’ project to fund...

ICSA: Proposed calf transport ban ‘a disaster for Ireland’
ICSA: Proposed calf transport ban ‘a disaster for Ireland’

Following a proposal of several calf transport restrictions, including an export ban of calves under 35 days of age, the...

Only 17% of cattle farms considered economically viable – report
Only 17% of cattle farms considered economically viable – report

The recently published Teagasc National Farm Survey 2020 Sustainability Report reveals economic differences including profitability between dairy, cattle, sheep and...

23 accolades for ABP at Irish Quality Food and Drink Awards
23 accolades for ABP at Irish Quality Food and Drink Awards

This year’s winners of the Irish Quality Food and Drink Awards were recently announced at a virtual ceremony on celebrating...