Richard Halleron

Richard Halleron Profile Picture

Richard Halleron is an agricultural chemist by background. He is a past chairman of the Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science and has also served as Chairman of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists in Northern Ireland.

Opinion: Potato blight awareness campaign is a priority
Opinion: Potato blight awareness campaign is a priority

It is obvious to me that the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) will have to fund a...

FFA endorses calls for ‘fair farmgate prices’ across Europe
FFA endorses calls for ‘fair farmgate prices’ across Europe

Farmers for Action (FFA) is endorsing calls made by the European Milk Board (EMB) to have ‘fair farmgate prices’ introduced...

Tillage: IPM can play a critical role in preventing blight
Tillage: IPM can play a critical role in preventing blight

Potato growers have been reminded that the use of fungicides is not the only weapon in their armoury when it...

Lakeland Dairies ‘doing all it can’ to help retain nitrates derogation
Lakeland Dairies ‘doing all it can’ to help retain nitrates derogation

Chief executive at Lakeland Dairies, Colin Kelly, has confirmed the business is doing all it can to contribute to Ireland’s...

Should NI’s entire cattle population be genotyped?
Should NI’s entire cattle population be genotyped?

Genotyping Northern Ireland’s entire cattle population will help revolutionise its dairy and beef sectors, according to the chair of the...

Should young children eat meat and dairy?
Should young children eat meat and dairy?

A leading nutritionist has confirmed that animal products such as beef, lamb and dairy, can feature in meals made available...

Tillage: Maize crops coming under stress this year
Tillage: Maize crops coming under stress this year

Many farmers across the country are indicating that maize crops have been particularly slow in pushing forward this year. A...

Blanket approach to ammonia reduction in NI is ‘concerning’ – MLA
Blanket approach to ammonia reduction in NI is ‘concerning’ – MLA

Sinn Féin spokesperson on agriculture in Northern Ireland, Declan McAleer, wants a more flexible ammonia strategy introduced, one which all...

No ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to reducing agri-emissions – expert
No ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to reducing agri-emissions – expert

The Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) is identifying the most cost-effective pathway to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and agri-emissions, and to...

Tillage: AHDB points to downturn in global grain output
Tillage: AHDB points to downturn in global grain output

The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) is pointing to a projected downturn in some global grain output trends. This...

Teagasc issues ‘red alert’ potato blight warning
Teagasc issues ‘red alert’ potato blight warning

Teagasc is urging all Irish potato growers to fundamentally change their potato blight spraying programmes with immediate effect. This reflects...

Tillage: Spring barley crops hit bump in the road
Tillage: Spring barley crops hit bump in the road

Teagasc has confirmed a slowdown in the development of many spring barley crops, with soil compaction being the main culprit....

Time to make a decision on combining or whole cropping
Time to make a decision on combining or whole cropping

The option of whole cropping winter barley, but more likely, winter wheat, may well be a thought in many tillage...

Opinion: Will the weather play ball as Midsummer’s Day looms?
Opinion: Will the weather play ball as Midsummer’s Day looms?

Midsummer’s Day is almost with us and a good week’s weather right now could do Irish agriculture a power of...

Impressive turnout of sheep at Ballymena Show 2024
Impressive turnout of sheep at Ballymena Show 2024

Ballymena Show always attracts a fantastic turnout of sheep, and 2024 did not disappoint in this regard. The man charged...

FFA calls for doubling of farm support budget in Northern Ireland
FFA calls for doubling of farm support budget in Northern Ireland

Farmers for Action (FFA) has called for a doubling of the farm support budget in Northern Ireland, from £300 million...

Delivering adequate potash to winter cover crops is crucial – PDA
Delivering adequate potash to winter cover crops is crucial – PDA

The Potash Development Association (PDA) has published a newsletter highlighting the nutritional requirements of winter cover crops and herbal leys....

‘Uncontrollable’ grass weeds remain major challenge
‘Uncontrollable’ grass weeds remain major challenge

Teagasc has confirmed that the challenge of ‘uncontrollable grass weeds’ within crops remains a major challenge for tillage farmers. This...