Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor: ‘Our over-55 farmers would have never retired in the first place’
Letter to the editor: ‘Our over-55 farmers would have never retired in the first place’

Farmers supply what fills the supermarkets’ shelves. Life on Northern Ireland’s farms is not getting any easier, as Covid-19 tightens...

Letter to the editor: ‘Cars, and not cows, are the culprit’
Letter to the editor: ‘Cars, and not cows, are the culprit’

We are currently in the midst of a Covid-19 pandemic. These are unprecedented times. Necessary precautions are being taken –...

Letter to the editor: The more farming moves away, more ‘unforeseen problems are unearthed’
Letter to the editor: The more farming moves away, more ‘unforeseen problems are unearthed’

With coronavirus [Covid-19] having become a global pandemic, surely this is a time to take a hold of the reins...

Letter to the editor: In a pandemic is sowing cover crops ‘essential’…or is it ‘for the birds’?
Letter to the editor: In a pandemic is sowing cover crops ‘essential’…or is it ‘for the birds’?

Within a relatively short period of time, farmers such as myself will have to sow wild bird cover for GLAS...

Letter to the editor: ‘What if a farmer has to hire someone…to do his or her work?’
Letter to the editor: ‘What if a farmer has to hire someone…to do his or her work?’

As a beef farmer, I feel some measures should be put in place for us – during this [coronavirus] crisis....

Letter to the editor: ‘Flooding – is bog restoration a way out?’
Letter to the editor: ‘Flooding – is bog restoration a way out?’

As the extensive flooding slowly recedes from farmland across Ireland and media coverage is consumed with the Covid-19 global pandemic,...

Letter to the editor: ‘Farmers need clarity on Covid-19 social protection pay’
Letter to the editor: ‘Farmers need clarity on Covid-19 social protection pay’

I wish to highlight that our self-employed farmers have found themselves severely impaired by Covid-19. Farmers have discovered the effects,...

Letter to the editor: ‘Farming never sleeps – so farmers should not take Covid-19 risks’
Letter to the editor: ‘Farming never sleeps – so farmers should not take Covid-19 risks’

I am writing a letter on behalf of the Individual Farmers of Ireland regarding the recent events impacting farming –...

Letter to the editor: ‘New roads and buildings can wait; the spread of this virus won’t’
Letter to the editor: ‘New roads and buildings can wait; the spread of this virus won’t’

We need all non-essential shops and services to close immediately…in order to save lives. The spread of the Covid-19 virus...

Letter to the editor: ‘Marts need to take a stand…and make the call’
Letter to the editor: ‘Marts need to take a stand…and make the call’

I have been in marts over the last few days, as Covid-19 has gripped the country. Despite the best advice...

Letter to the editor: ‘We spend too much time…in a bureaucratic nightmare – for what reward?’
Letter to the editor: ‘We spend too much time…in a bureaucratic nightmare – for what reward?’

I read the AgriLand article recently on the IFA-commissioned report on the beef industry – compiled by Jim Power; I...

Letter to the editor: Is a crowded mart ‘any better than a crowded pub in Temple Bar’?
Letter to the editor: Is a crowded mart ‘any better than a crowded pub in Temple Bar’?

I felt the need to contact you, with regard to the situation whereby a mart is allowed to continue to...

Letter to the editor: ‘I got the impression that every mart would be inline with best practice. It’s not happening’
Letter to the editor: ‘I got the impression that every mart would be inline with best practice. It’s not happening’

I wanted to write to you to share my experience in my local mart yesterday [Saturday, March 14] – given...

Letter to the editor: ‘We shouldn’t be fobbed off…because we don’t have direct evidence’
Letter to the editor: ‘We shouldn’t be fobbed off…because we don’t have direct evidence’

I felt the need to write to you in relation to your article on the Jim Power [beef sector] report,...

Letter to the editor: Is now really the time to stock our shelves with ‘chicken from China’?
Letter to the editor: Is now really the time to stock our shelves with ‘chicken from China’?

To my utter disbelief, I discovered during recent days that chicken is being imported from China and sold in some...

Letter to the editor: ‘Get the farmers when they’re alive…and when they’re dead. What neck!’ [updated]
Letter to the editor: ‘Get the farmers when they’re alive…and when they’re dead. What neck!’ [updated]

Over the last number of weeks I have noticed an expensive advertisement in a farming publication by Trócaire exhorting farmers...

Letter to the editor: Planning trap for farmers ‘must be fixed’
Letter to the editor: Planning trap for farmers ‘must be fixed’

If some farmers do not cease what they are doing under current planning legislation, they run the risk of prosecution...

Letter to the editor: ‘Women like me are modern-day slaves; it’s shocking’
Letter to the editor: ‘Women like me are modern-day slaves; it’s shocking’

It was great to read your report [published on Saturday, February 29] on women in agri-business networks. The title of...