Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor: Call for ban of pheasant shoots is sick joke
Letter to the editor: Call for ban of pheasant shoots is sick joke

In response to the letter from John Fitzgerald I have to ask is this a sick joke, or something more sinister? To...

Letter to the editor: Shut down pheasant shoots amid bird flu crisis
Letter to the editor: Shut down pheasant shoots amid bird flu crisis

With confirmed outbreaks of bird flu [avian influenza] in Ireland, the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports is calling...

Letter to the editor: Some rural TDs care more about votes than climate
Letter to the editor: Some rural TDs care more about votes than climate

I see that certain rural TDs are worried about the 25% compromise on agriculture emissions. Over the past few weeks...

Letter to the editor: Conflict must not overshadow climate concerns
Letter to the editor: Conflict must not overshadow climate concerns

While our thoughts are with the people of the Ukraine, some of the polarised arguments circulating in response to the...

Letter to the editor: An Taisce is not anti-farmer or anti-agriculture
Letter to the editor: An Taisce is not anti-farmer or anti-agriculture

We, at An Taisce, are writing in response to the opinion piece written by Ciaran Fitzgerald on March 8, 2022,...

Letter to the editor: Government abandons farmers yet again
Letter to the editor: Government abandons farmers yet again

Today has really been a monumental day. It’s certainly a day I and many farmers will never forget. Not only...

Letter to the editor: Ban on animal transport is groundbreaking
Letter to the editor: Ban on animal transport is groundbreaking

Ethical Faming Ireland very much welcomes the outcome of the vote by the ANIT committee of inquiry into long distance...

Letter to the editor: No protest if a cull would reduce ‘greater suffering’
Letter to the editor: No protest if a cull would reduce ‘greater suffering’

I’m writing in response to your opinion piece published on November 1, 2021 ‘Where is the animal welfare lobby when...

Letter to the editor: Hare coursing clubs aid conservation
Letter to the editor: Hare coursing clubs aid conservation

I respond to the letter titled: ‘Government is far from eco-aware’ regarding hare coursing. The writer makes a number of...

Letter to the editor: ‘Government is far from eco-aware’
Letter to the editor: ‘Government is far from eco-aware’

The present coalition has referred to itself as one of the most eco-aware governments ever; partly I presume because the...

Letter to the editor: Death knell for greyhound racing
Letter to the editor: Death knell for greyhound racing

The recently published report by Jim Power entitled ‘The Economic and Financial Significance of the Irish Greyhound Industry’ can be...

Letter to the editor: Why the planet does not need dairy
Letter to the editor: Why the planet does not need dairy

Brendan Dunleavy’s far-fetched claims about Elsie the cow and the merits of dairy, in a letter to the editor published...

Letter to the editor: Why the planet needs dairy farmers
Letter to the editor: Why the planet needs dairy farmers

If An Taisce and other misguided environmentalists think they can save the planet by curtailing dairy production, they should think...

Letter to the editor: ‘Sharp-toothed beef regulator’ needed
Letter to the editor: ‘Sharp-toothed beef regulator’ needed

The Individual Farmers of Ireland tractor protest group is calling on every rural TD to support the call by the...

Letter to the editor: Wood pigeons deserve a break
Letter to the editor: Wood pigeons deserve a break

Wood pigeons are a prized part of our wildlife heritage. For many of us, its familiar cooing call is a...

Letter to the editor: Issues with foal levy need to be addressed
Letter to the editor: Issues with foal levy need to be addressed

I read with interest the article about the thoroughbred horse breeder on February 22 last. There were two issues I...

Letter to the editor: Small horse breeders being pushed out
Letter to the editor: Small horse breeders being pushed out

I am writing to you to issue my concerns for small breeders and the never ending challenges that we face...

Letter to the editor: ‘The time for watching beef industry burn is over’
Letter to the editor: ‘The time for watching beef industry burn is over’

So, what is actually going on with the beef trade? Brexit is now out of the way after many years...