Brian McDonnell

Brian McDonnell Profile Picture

Brian McDonnell is from Raheny, Co. Dublin. He has an honours degree in Sustainable Agriculture from Dundalk IT. He has worked on dairy and beef farms in both Ireland and the UK, including Teagasc Grange and a large-scale 650-cow dairy farm which also had a 1,200 animal youngstock-rearing farm in Scotland. He has a keen interest in agriculture and particularly the dairy sector and in his spare time is active in local rugby and golf.

What can I do if colostrum quality is an issue?
What can I do if colostrum quality is an issue?

The calving season has started on some farms, while many other farms will be starting in the coming days and...

Preventing mastitis in first-time calvers
Preventing mastitis in first-time calvers

Many studies have demonstrated that over 50% of mastitis cases occurring in the first 100 days of lactation are because...

Colostrum: A calves most important feed
Colostrum: A calves most important feed

Colostrum, also known as beestings, is the first and most important line of defence for a newborn calf. It’s crucial...

Dairy advice: It’s time to complete your spring rotation planner
Dairy advice: It’s time to complete your spring rotation planner

Now’s the time to set your farm up for the grazing season ahead with a spring rotation planner (SRP). The...

Reducing the spread of Johne’s disease
Reducing the spread of Johne’s disease

Johne’s disease is a bacterial disease of cattle, which can have a negative economic impact on farms. With calving gathering...

OAD milking in early lactation
OAD milking in early lactation

The expansion of the national dairy herd over the last number of years has seen many dairy farmers choosing to...

Pneumonia in calves: What are the causes and how to prevent it
Pneumonia in calves: What are the causes and how to prevent it

Pneumonia in calves is the result of a complex interaction between viral and bacterial pathogens, environmental stress factors and the...

‘Farm fragmentation and lameness pushed me to go OAD milking’
‘Farm fragmentation and lameness pushed me to go OAD milking’

Michael John Delaney operates a full-time once-a-day (OAD) milking system on his farm in Ballykealy, Durrow, Co. Laois. Michael spoke...

Take care when emptying your slurry tanks in the coming days and weeks
Take care when emptying your slurry tanks in the coming days and weeks

The slurry season for 2021 has begun in two of the three zones, with many farmers now rushing to empty...

November domestic milk intake up 8.9% on 2019 figure
November domestic milk intake up 8.9% on 2019 figure

Domestic milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers was estimated at 455.2 million litres for November 2020, according to the latest data...

SCC remains a concern for OAD milking herds
SCC remains a concern for OAD milking herds

Over the last two years, a study looking at the differences being once-a-day (OAD) milking and twice-a-day (TAD) milking has...

Dairy advice: Tips for milking during Covid-19
Dairy advice: Tips for milking during Covid-19

With the country under current Covid-19 restrictions, it’s important that dairy farmers begin planning for the 2021 season. Most dairy...

Avoiding calving issues: Time is running out
Avoiding calving issues: Time is running out

There are several metabolic diseases that can affect cows around calving time, with many of these the result of not having...

Reasons for operating a OAD milking system
Reasons for operating a OAD milking system

Once-a-day (OAD) milking continues to grow in popularity on Irish dairy farmers. Brian Hilliard, a OAD dairy advisor with Teagasc...

IGA: Switching on for spring
IGA: Switching on for spring

The expansion of the Irish dairy industry has meant more and more dairy farmers are finding themselves either employing someone...

Establishing white clover in grass swards
Establishing white clover in grass swards

Dr. Deirdre Hennessy, a Teagasc grassland research officer based in Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, recently spoke at the Irish Grassland Association...

When to end the breeding season on spring-calving dairy farms
When to end the breeding season on spring-calving dairy farms

The primary reason for shortening the breeding season is to tighten up the following calving season. This is to increase...

Steps to follow when feeding calves
Steps to follow when feeding calves

The calving season will soon be starting and with that comes the feeding of calves. A well-fed calf is better...